Watch Movie Online "The Eagle" (2011)
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Writers: Jeremy Brock (screenplay), Rosemary Sutcliff (novel)
Stars: Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell and Donald Sutherland
In Roman-ruled Britain, a young Roman soldier endeavors to honor his father's memory by finding his lost legion's golden emblem.
The Eagle is darker, grittier and more realistic than expected. Mindless action flicks with tons of sword fighting can be a lot of fun, but The Eagle is not one of those movies. Part of the strength of the film is that it avoids most action movie clichés.Neither the Romans nor the barbarians are clear cut good guys or bad guys. Both sides are shown to have good and bad aspects. The warriors of each side are fighting for their society. When one of the heroes rushes into a battle against overwhelming odds, he becomes overwhelmed. When characters get injured in battle, it ends their military careers.
Wounds become infected and prove to be a weakness and danger months later. When one man collapses and says he can't go on, the other guy actually leaves him behind.
The movie also takes no prisoners on issues modern people would find morally questionable. Slavery is an unapologetic part of both Roman and British society. The other big issue is the meaning of honor. The first quarter of the movie gives the back story to why finding the golden Eagle is so important to Marcus, and why Esca is willing to help a soldier who has attacked his people.
The Eagle is one of the best adventurous movies I have seen in recent years. It is also a film about a quest to find a golden Eagle, the symbol of both the Ninth Legion of Rome and The College at Brockport. For that reason alone The Eagle is worth watching.
To know complete story about "The Eagle". You can watch online or download the full movie.
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